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Deluxe Encyclopedia of Guitar Chords
Deluxe Encyclopedia of Guitar Chords
List Price: US $12.95
Our Price: US $11.95
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SKU: 93283

If you are only going to get one guitar chord book, make it this one! Thousands of chord forms are presented. Chords are presented in each key and numerous forms are shown for each type of chords. Chords are classified into melody forms, inside forms, rhythm forms and bottom four string forms. Each type of chord is shown in notation and it lists the name of each note and its function in the chord (root, third, seventh, etc.) Also, the name of each note is shown on every diagram and the bottom and top chordal tones are listed (5th, root, etc.). A great value for any guitarist.


Chords are shown in the keys of C, Db, D, Eb, E, F, F#/Gb, G, Ab, A, Bb, and B.

In each key numerous chord forms are shown in various positions for the following types of chords:
Dominant Seventh
Minor Seventh
Seventh Flat Five
Seventh Augmented Fifth
Major Seventh
Major Seventh Flat Third
Minor Seventh Flat Third
Seventh Suspended Fourth
Major Sixth
Minor Sixth
Minor Ninth
Major Seventh add Nine
Ninth Sharp Fifth
Ninth Flat Fifth
Seventh Flat Nine
Seventh Sharp Nine
Sixth add Nine
Augmented Eleventh
Thirteenth Flat Nine
Thirteenth Flat Fifth
Flat Ninth


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Clear Choice, LLC
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Columbia, SC 29223
803-467-5233 M-F 9-5 EST
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