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Encyclopedia of Scales, Modes and Melodic Patterns
Encyclopedia of Scales, Modes and Melodic Patterns
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SKU: 95736

Not just another book of scales and patterns, this is a method that trains the mind, the ears and the fingers to work in perfect synchronization to respond instantaneously to any given chord progression. This ability is of paramount importance to any musician who wants to improvise in the jazz idiom. Leading jazz players have used this method for years, but this is the first time it has been published in book form. The author offers a comprehensive guide to improvisation on any instrument through chord changes in any key. A great source book for dozens of scales from the traditional major and minor forms to the modal scales used by jazz musicians. Even scales from other cultures Arabian, Balinese, Iranian, Hungarian, can be found here. A must-have for any musician who aspires to improvise with authority.


Practice Routine

The Major Scale (Ionian Mode)
C Major Ionian
Major (Ionian) Scales
Major Scale Practice Routine
More Major Scale Studies
Major Scale Melodic Patterns
Abbreviated Patterns
Major Scale Diatonic Intervals
Inverted Intervals
Major Chords
Major Triad Patterns
Major Sixth Patterns
Major Seventh Patterns
Major Ninth Patterns
Modes Derived from the Major Scale
Modes of the C Major Scale

The Dorian Mode
Dorian Mode Practice Routine
Minor Chords
Minor Triad Patterns
Minor Sixth Chord Patterns
Minor Seventh Chord Patterns
Minor Ninth Chord Patterns

The Phrygian Mode
The Lydian Mode

The Mixolydian Mode/Dominant Seventh Scale
Mixolydian Mode Practice Routine
Dominant Chords
Dominant Seventh Chord Patterns
Dominant Ninth Chord Patterns

The Aeolian Mode
The Locrian Mode

Alternating Dorian, Mixolydian, and Major Scales
The Harmonic Minor Scale
Harmonic Minor Scale Practice Routine
The Modes of the Harmonic Minor Scale
The 2nd Mode of the Harmonic Minor Scale
The 5th Mode of the Harmonic Minor Scale
The Minor #7 Chord
Alternating the 2nd Mode, the 5th Mode, and the Harmonic Minor Scales

The Melodic Minor Scale (Jazz Minor)
The Lydian - Augmented Scale
The Lydian Dominant Scale
The Locrian #2 Scale
The Super Locrian Scale
Alternating Locrian #2 - Super Locrian and Jazz Minor Scales

Choosing the Right Scale

The Jazz Minor Scale
Alternating Jazz Minor Scales

The Major Pentatonic Scale
Major Pentatonic Patterns
Modes of the Major Pentatonic Scale

The Minor Pentatonic Scale
The Blues Scale
Blues Scale Melodic Patterns

Pentatonic Scales and the Perfect Fourth Interval

The Diminished Scale (Diminished 7th Chord)
Diminished Scales
Diminished Scale Melodic Patterns
The Half Step - Whole Step Diminished Scale
Application of Diminished Scales

The Whole Tone Scale
Whole Tone Scale Studies
Whole Tone Scale Melodic Patterns
Augmented Chords
Dominant 7(+5) Chords
Whole Tone Scale - Dominant 7(+5) Patterns

The Chromatic Scale

Scales from Other Cultures
Arabian Scale
Charhargan (Iranian)
Kurdish (same as the Phrygian Mode)

The Bebop Scales
The Major Bebop Scale
Major Bebop Scale Practice Routine
The Dorian Bebop Scale
Dorian Bebop Practice Routine
The Mixolydian Bebop Scale
Mixolydian Bebop Scale Practice Routine


Scales, Technique & Theory Related Products
Clear Choice, LLC
40 Olde Springs Road
Columbia, SC 29223
803-467-5233 M-F 9-5 EST
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